Looking at the grey side of the Wall until 1989. Dreaming of freedom. Followed idealistic goals as a young banker. Suddenly hit another wall – that of my conscience. Both times I managed to find my path to freedom. And I walked it my way. That was my ambition. And it was worth it, although it took time.
Our independence,
Your freedom
We love what we do. And put everything we’ve got into it.
We believe that having an independent financial advisor who knows you well, who identifies with your goals and who is on the same wavelength will make your life immeasurably better.
Started my career with great enthusiasm and lots of plans. Until fate showed me what freedom really means. Severe illness had me fighting for my life. And I won. After my recovery, I had, as they say, a stellar career. But despite my success, I never found my professional calling. An important piece of the puzzle was missing: Freedom. I found it here in my husband's company, where we now work together. The kind of freedom I had always wanted to achieve. The fight was worth it, although it took time.